Friday, March 4, 2011

Back to Reality

Now that you have been home for a week, what comments do you have about our experience last weekend?
Is there anything that you are incorporating into your life?


  1. Hi all - I was surprised (and scared) by how exhausted I actually was last weekend. It was not a surprise that I was tired; the surprise was the degree of disparity between how tired I thought I was and how tired I really am. On Sunday morning, I talked to my congregation about what had happened and asked for their prayers as I went into the Free Store Board Meeting on Monday night. I was a bit embarrassed to talk about it, but my congregation really responded well, and several people shared personal stories of similar situations.

    My comments at the Board meeting were received well (albeit with shock) and I now have Tuesdays off from the Free Store with the option of Mondays off if I need that as well (Board Members covering me on the days I am not there). I also have an appointment with a counselor to talk about the drive for perfection and lack of good judgment with respect to taking on tasks. I meet with her on Monday the 14th. Nothing like being scared as a motivator. I think I was scared straight! :-) Thanks to God and each of you for the role you played in my transforming moments last weekend! Blessings!

  2. I've continued to have sinus trouble, a sore throat, and dehydration since day 1 of Crucible. I guess my body doesn't like so many hours indoors with recycled air.

    All of Ruth's talk about solitude has made me think about how much solitude I actually have during the course of a week and how I react to these large blocks of solitude. I am often alone at the church office for an entire day without so much as a phone call. Being an introvert, I enjoy solitude but I have so much of it that I seek human interaction.

    By virtue of my appointment, I am in a different situation than many clergy. While everyone else is seeking the solitude they need I have solitude to spare.

  3. This site frustrates me.
    I will re-write this and try again.
    I just came from my spiritual director. I am still opening things from the Crucible weekend. Lots of interesting insights coming forward.
    I announced my leaving at Bradford and the reaction was not good. I am trying to weave some of the learnings from the training into my Lent series. Between my learnings and the book, I have lots of resources. It always works best to teach with everyday examples.
    I can relate to both Sherri and Nancy's posts. I spent years in counseling and it literally saved my life, but the beginning was very scarey. Also, I work from home, no office at Bradford, and am alone a great deal of the time.

  4. Ladies, it was truly a blessing to be with each of you!
    Since being home, I've been more diligent about days off and time away from work. For the last two weekends, I have not checked e-mail on Fridays and Saturdays and this week, I took an extra day off and took a real Sabbath. I'm working on getting more rest and trying to back my work into the work week as much as possible so I can actually take time away.

    I'm finding that my prayer life is improving as I'm much more consciously making it a part of my day.

    I think the best part was sharing much of this in my sermon last Sunday and setting the context for my congregation for Lent. It felt good to be open and honest and the response was very supportive.

    This journey is not easy and I will continue to lift up each of you and look forward to being back together next month. Blessings!

  5. Hello! I am quite behind schedule but I am moving forward with my life. In the midst of what is going on I am being so intentional in taking care of myself. When I feel like my serenity is shaken I just remember - one day at a time. I'm also ever so mindful that I am not in this alone. I look forward to the journey with all of you! Karen
